Digital archiving

Digitize your documents in a future-proof and legally compliant manner.

Our digital document management solutions allow you to save, manage and organize all your company’s information. All kinds of documents, such as Office documents, e-mails, printouts and CAD data as well as ERP and accounting documents, are archived together using an automated, tamper-proof process. Efficient interfaces guarantee the legally compliant archiving of documents from ERP, CRM and accounting systems. High-performance scanners capture a multitude of printed documents and transfer these to the digital archive.

Work more efficiently with a digital archive

Information determines our lives. It is the difference between success and failure, now more than ever before. Everything is becoming faster, more complex and often more complicated. In today’s tidal wave of information and documents, having prompt, reliable access to the relevant information gives you a clear competitive advantage. Having rapid access to information is therefore crucial to how successfully a company can act and respond.

According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute, 30 percent of working hours are wasted due to the daily search for documents. PROXESS makes this a thing of the past. Documents can be archived quickly and easily with PROXESS, making laborious filing and copying unnecessary. Once they have been archived, documents can be located in seconds.

Our digital archive solutions

Explore other PROXESS solutions

“Employee satisfaction at AIL Leasing has been very high since the first day of PROXESS implementation. Because filing and searching for documents is easy and convenient and now takes much less time. Valuable time that employees can now use for other important tasks.”

Are you interested in our solution? Our experts are at your disposal!