PROXESS® Workflow

PROXESS Workflow allows a wide range of corporate processes to be digitally mapped and implemented. Examples of this within a company are incoming invoice verification, procurement processes, order processing, vacation request approvals, expense form processing, support and customer service and project management.

Quicker transaction processing

Route documents digitally through the company in line with your individual processes. All the related documents are summarized in a digital operations folder. You can freely define the distribution scenarios, for which a number of workflow templates are available. Employees in the process chain are informed of upcoming tasks and new documents via e-mail. This eliminates any transfer or idle time and also makes the actual document processing quicker.

Central digital files create transparency and security

At the heart of PROXESS Workflow is the digital folder containing all the transaction documents. Authorized employees can access and view the documents and processing data at any time and edit them directly in the workflow. The required information and documents can quickly and intuitively be located using the integrated full-text search. As every editing stage of the folder and/or document is recorded, all employees are always up to date. Access is possible via Web Client or remotely using a smartphone app, for example.

Rules-based workflow and ad-hoc workflow

Many of a company’s transactions follow specific guidelines. Reviewing incoming cost accounting is usually firmly defined, for example. Rules-based workflow is ideal for this, whereby decision-making parameters (department, invoice amount, etc.) define how a folder or document passes through the company. Once a processing stage has been completed, the next employee is automatically notified via e-mail. The MS Visio tool, which is integrated as an add-in, allows such rules-based workflows (including deputization arrangements and escalation levels) to be clearly modeled using graphics. In addition to rules-based workflow, documents can also be flexibly forwarded using an ad-hoc workflow. In this case, employees decide whether to send it to the next person for processing.

XML interface for easy connection to external systems

An open XML interface allows data from external systems, such as customer master data, for example, to be automatically transferred when a folder is created. This makes it easier to create folders and guarantees consistent master data in all systems.

Permanent, legally secure archiving in PROXESS Archive

Completed transactions, such as cost invoices that have been posted and paid, can be automatically transferred to the tamper-proof PROXESS Archive for permanent archiving. At the same time, the entire transaction documentation of a folder is also archived. However, you can still use the PROXESS Workflow interface to search for and view transactions that have already been archived. And, if required, it is even possible to reactivate a transaction that has already been completed and edit it again in Workflow.

Functions at a glance

  • Rules-based workflow and ad-hoc workflow

  • MS Visio as a graphic add-in for designing workflows
  • Access via Web Client or mobile app
  • Detailed access and user management
  • Parallel and consecutive tasks
  • Escalation scenarios and deputization arrangements
  • E-mail notification
  • Recording of all processing stages
  • Conveniently integrated full-text search
  • Optional connection to PROXESS Archive
  • XML interface for connection to external systems

Other products

“Wi”We have been using PROXESS DMS and the PROXESS workflow in the entire group of companies since 2006 and have therefore been able to dispense with manual paper filing in all areas. With the digital workflow in connection with the automatic document recognition, manual processes are successively converted into digital processes. The use from PROXESS has meant that processes and documents are available in our company at all times.”r setzen PROXESS DMS und den PROXESS Workflow bereits seit 2006 in der gesamten Unternehmensgruppe ein und konnten hierdurch auf die manuelle Papierablage in allen Bereichen verzichten. Mit dem digitalen Workflow in Verbindung mit der automatischen Belegerkennung werden sukzessive manuelle Prozesse in digitale Prozesse gewandelt. Der Einsatz von PROXESS hat dazu geführt, dass bei uns im Unternehmen Prozesse und Dokumente einheitlich jederzeit zur Verfügung stehen.”

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